Friday, 17 January 2020

Video on how to write professional slide-reports

Are you busy at work, but passionate about your area? Learn how to make slide reports to save time and get more impact. Much presentation advice assumes that you are available to make an old-fashioned presentation. This is often not the case. Slide-reports are good for such presentations, but can also be fully understood when emailed or printed. You no longer lose control of your message and can safely email your slide-report. Expect to receive positive feedback.

Slide-reports first appeared in the management consulting industry, but judging from many recent consulting presentations, many consultants are no longer aware of how to write clear slide-reports. I believe the video is useful for all consultants as well as executive. Even if you know the basics there should be some value to all.

The video is around one hour, but it is broken into four sections. The videos include short exercises so please make sure you have 30 minutes to complete each of the four sections. If you like the content please subscribe to my youtube channel.